Donnie Darko: The Tangent Universe


This site is dedicated to the 2001 psychological thriller film Donnie Darko. The film was writen and directed by Richard Kelly and was his debut feature film.

The Movie

The Movie

This section contains details about the film. In here you wil find a list of cast members, trivia about the movie, a list of quotes form the movie, music soundtrack listings and the entrire script from the movie.
The Philosophy Of Time Travel

The Philosophy Of Time Travel

This contains all the pages from the fictional book in the film written by Roberta Sparrow (Grandma Death). These text from these pages are the foundation of the story and greatly help you understand the movie.


In here you will find a detailed explanation of what happens in the film with spoliers. There are also pages for some of the unanswered questions and some alternative explanations.


A small selection of images from the movie